“Professional beauties”: what are
they and how can you become one?

Modern research and medical advancements have made it feasible to shape, sculpt, and enhance the face in a matter of minutes with minimal downtime.

Any age or gender can benefit from a regulated injection of hyaluronic acid into certain facial regions to enhance and accentuate their inherent beauty.

More and more young patients from the fashion, beauty, and entertainment industries are seeking aesthetic medicine procedures to enhance and perfect their inherent beauty. As these procedures advance, they are no longer limited to fixing age-related damage and filling wrinkles.

A person with a handsome face can be transformed into “professionally beautiful” by carefully and selectively accentuating the peaks of their cheekbones or chin. This creates a “star aura” due to the harmonic reflection of light from the facial frame.

The creation of “professional beauty” and the development of aesthetic medicine have raised the standard of beauty in the entertainment industry to a point where many individuals who were formerly deemed beautiful and attractive would not even make it past the critical eye of a camera.

“Professional beauty” is often associated with balanced, symmetrical faces that look good in photos taken in any lighting condition or from any angle. The light reflection coming back from the face’s surface holds the key to its construction. In order to achieve “professional beauty,” we will seek to soften and blur some facial features while subtly highlighting others.

For instance, while round faces can look wonderful in face-to-face interactions, they can also appear two-dimensional and flat in intense frontal lighting.

On the other hand, an elongated and thin face may appear attractive and shapely from the side, but from the front, it may appear depressed and melancholic. 

A minor expansion of the cheeks’ diameter and at the jawline in a narrow face, or a few millimeters added to the chin and tops of the cheeks in a round face, can make a big difference in the face’s overall appearance, harmony, and light-reflecting aura.

Another common example is highlighting a young man’s chin and jawline, which can occasionally provide all the balance required to sculpt a more chiseled and masculine face. With today’s innovative micro-drop injection technology, many young patients who previously only had handsome features or whose beauty was compromised by asymmetry and slight disproportion can become “professional beauties” by carefully measuring and controlling the injection of tiny drops of suitable hyaluronic acid.

However, maintaining a natural and carefree appearance is crucial when it comes to aesthetic medicine procedures in general and the treatment of attractive and youthful patients in particular. Any alterations must be made in a refined and discrete manner.

Having spent years working with some of the top talent in Israel’s entertainment and beauty industries, I find it hard to put into words how much more beauty can be given to a face at any age without taking away from its naturalness, distinctive features, or inherent beauty.

Being more attractive is becoming a reality.

Warm regards.
Dr. Udi Barr